Patrick Stewart is an actor best known for his role in the TV show Star Trek: The Next Generation and for playing Captain Jean-Luc Picard. He has been bald since he was in his late twenties but when did he start going bald? Some say it’s unclear when he started going bald because of his current age, so we still don’t know the exact date.

Actor Patrick Stewart is famous for his portrayal of Captain Jean-Luc Picard in “Star Trek: The Next Generation” and Professor Charles Xavier in the “X-Men” movies. What may not be as well known is when Stewart went bald, which is believed to have been in his twenties.
Everyone has their own theory about what caused Stewart’s hair loss, but there are two that are the most popular – genetics or stress. He has played many iconic roles in theater, television, and film, but he is best known for his role as Captain Jean-Luc Picard on Star Trek: The Next Generation. Stewart was born in Mirfield, West Yorkshire in 1940.
When did Patrick Stewart go Bald?
When actor Patrick Stewart became captain of the Enterprise on Star Trek: The Next Generation, he famously pulled out his hairpiece and left it to dangle like a ponytail. For the first few seasons, he sported an overgrown head of hair to cover up his receding hairline. But eventually, it seemed like the only option was to shave it all off. So when did Patrick Stewart go bald?

Patrick Stewart is best known for his portrayal of Captain Picard in the popular sci-fi show Star Trek: The Next Generation, but just when did he go bald? He has always had a somewhat receding hairline but without any true bald patches. It wasn’t until 1983 that Patrick revealed to the public that he was actually bald. Yet the real question is when did he start to lose his hair?
Interesting facts
His difficult upbringing became the inspiration for him.
Many people know Patrick Stewart from his role as Captain Jean-Luc Picard in Star Trek. However, not many people know he has a difficult upbringing. He was born with a deformity of the bone on the right half of his face, and during his first year of life, a doctor told his parents that he might have brain damage.
His parents were going through a difficult time themselves and by age 4 they had split up and Stewart’s mother then moved to London, UK.
He doesn’t know how he has been able to look so young.
Patrick Stewart is one of the most well-known British actors in Hollywood. Contrary to what many people think, Patrick Stewart has not had plastic surgery yet. He realizes that many people find him very attractive and youthful, but his secret to looking so young is actually sitting inside himself.
“I’m happy with the way I look. I’ve got energy and vitality, and I don’t feel old,” he says. Patrick Stewart has been working in film and theater for over 50 years, yet he still looks like he is in his 20’s.
Patrick is known for many different roles including Captain Jean-Luc Picard on Star Trek: The Next Generation, Professor Charles Xavier in the X-men films, and a whole lot more. But what people don’t know about Patrick is how he has been able to maintain a youthful appearance.
Despite going bald at only 19, he realized he was better off ditching his hairpiece.
Patrick Stewart, a British actor renowned for his role as Captain Jean-Luc Picard in Star Trek: The Next Generation, is turning 60 this year. Despite going bald at the age of 19 from alopecia, he can no longer grow hair and resorted to wearing a wig. In an interview with People Magazine in 2007, Stewart said that it was time to bid farewell to the long white locks. “I want to have my head free,” he said.
His bald head and distinctive voice have helped him create one of the most iconic characters in film history. But while his baldness is often viewed as an unfortunate side effect of his profession, Patrick Stewart has embraced his hairless head and become a motivational speaker for other men who are struggling with baldness.