“If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem.” -Cruella De Vil “I’m really sorry about all this. I know it’s not what you expected, but sometimes life just isn’t fair.” -Cruella De Vil “Dalmatians are my favorite breed because they’re so spotted.” -Cruella De Vil
“Do you have any idea how much those dogs cost?” -Cruella De Vil “I live for furs! I worship furs!” -Cruella De Vil
“Dogs are a man’s best friend.” -Cruella De Vil “I’m not interested in dogs. I prefer something with a little more… class.” -Cruella De Vil “My dear, you have the soul of a poet. But I prefer the soul of a dog!” -Cruella De Vil
“Now, where were we? Ah, yes. The extermination of the entire canine race!” -Cruella De Vil “I live for furs! I worship furs! After all, is there a woman in all this wretched world who doesn’t?” -Cruella De Vil

Credit: www.sweetyhigh.com
What is Cruella Deville’S Catchphrase?
Cruella Deville’s catchphrase is “Dip the apple in the poison, darling.” This catchphrase was first used in the 1971 Disney film, “One Hundred and One Dalmatians.”
In the film, Cruella uses this phrase when she is trying to convince her henchmen, Jasper and Horace, to kill a litter of puppies.
What Does Cruella Say About the Puppies?
Cruella De Vil is one of the most iconic villains in Disney history. She’s known for her love of fur coats, and her hatred of dogs. In the film “101 Dalmatians,” Cruella is obsessed with getting a coat made out of the skin of spotted puppies.

When she finally gets her hands on some puppy skins, she’s ecstatic. She cackles to herself as she rubs her hands together in glee, saying “Now these little pups will keep me nice and toasty!”
It’s clear that Cruella has no regard for the lives of animals, and sees them only as objects to be used for her own selfish needs.
What are Some Cruella Quotes?
“If she doesn’t scare you, no evil thing will” “I live for furs. I worship furs! After all, is there a woman in all this wretched world who doesn’t? Furs make us gorgeous, they make us glamourous. And what’s more, everyone looks better dead in fur.”
What Does Cruella De Vil Do to the Dogs?
Cruella de Vil is a villain from the Disney movie 101 Dalmatians. She is obsessed with fashion and has a particular love for Dalmatian pelts. In the film, she kidnaps the dogs and plans to turn them into fur coats.
However, her plans are foiled and she is arrested.
Cruella de Vil is iconic for 3 minutes straight
Cruella De Vil Quotes About Spots
“I shall call him, Spot.” -Cruella De Vil As the villainous Cruella de Vil in Disney’s 101 Dalmatians, this line is one of her most memorable. But it’s not just because it’s a clever play on words.
At that moment, we see how truly heartless Cruella is, and how she views spots not as something beautiful, but as something to be eradicated. Throughout the film, Cruella continues to make references to spots – how much she hates them, and how ugly she thinks they are. It’s clear that her obsession with spotlessness isn’t just about keeping things clean – for her, it’s about control.
By hating something so small and insignificant as spots, she can feel like she has power over them. Here are some of Cruella’s other quotes about spots: “Oh no, not spots! I loathe spots!”
“I simply cannot abide by these…spots!” “Now don’t tell me you’re going soft on me too? Spots!” “I’m warning you! I will not be held responsible for my actions if I find one more spot!”
Cruella De Vil Quotes 1996
“Cruella De Vil, the villainess from Disney’s 101 Dalmatians, is known for her outrageous fashion sense and wicked ways.

Here are some of her most memorable quotes.” -“I live for furs! I worship furs! After all, is there a woman in all this wretched world who doesn’t? – Cruella De Vil” -“Don’t dilly-dally, children. Hurry up!”
-“Oh, how I love skinning animals alive. It gives me such a thrill.” -“I’m Stylish, sophisticated…and deadly!” -“Remember my little darlings…if you can’t spot the difference between right and wrong then you’re wrong!”
Read More: Is Front Camera Meme Star Walter The Dog Actually Dead?
Cruella De Vil Quotes from 101 Dalmatians
“If she doesn’t scare you, no evil thing will” – Cruella De Vil, 101 Dalmatians Cruella De Vil is one of the most iconic villains in Disney history. She’s cruel, heartless, and absolutely ruthless.
But despite all of that, she’s also strangely quotable. Here are some of the most memorable things Cruella has ever said: “I live for furs! I worship furs!”
“Furriers are my favorite people in the world!” “Don’t be stupid, be a smarty / Come and join my party / I’m sure you’re gonna find / Everything you’ve ever wanted is right here!” “Remember, it’s not just a fur coat… it’s a work of art.”
“Artists have always been attracted to beautiful things… even if they have to destroy them to possess them.” “I shall take great pleasure in seeing you die… slowly.” These quotes perfectly capture Cruella’s narcissistic and sociopathic personality.
She cares only about herself and what she wants, and she’ll stop at nothing to get it. If you’re ever feeling down, just remember that Cruella De Vil is out there somewhere…and she probably wants your skin too.
Cruella Deville Quotes Original
“If she doesn’t scare you, no evil thing will” -Cruella Deville This quote comes from the one and only, Cruella Deville. She is known for being the villain in the 101 Dalmatians movie.
While this quote may seem like something a villain would say, it actually has some truth to it. If you’re not scared of someone or something, then nothing bad can happen to you. You should always be aware of your surroundings and who or what is around you.
“Cruella De Vil, one of the most iconic Disney villains of all time, is known for her love of dogs… and for her ruthless methods of obtaining them. Here are some of the best Cruella De Vil quotes about dogs!”
“Why do you like dogs so much, Cruella?” “Because they’re man’s best friend… and they make such lovely coats!” “I’m not interested in ransoming the pups, I want them dead.”
“Dalmatians are my favorite kind of dog. I’m going to take great pleasure in skinning them alive.”