Will Ferrell plays has always had a passion for music. He is an actor, comedian, and musician who plays the trombone, guitar, piano, drums, and trumpet. The first solo album he released under his name was in 2002 titled “The Will Ferrell Show”. His latest album “Emotional Mugger” was released in 2016.
Will Ferrell is one of the funniest actors in Hollywood. He has starred in many films, some of which he even acted as himself. He has released three music albums and plays acoustic guitar, piano, electric guitar, drums, mandolin, ukulele, banjo, spoons, and harmonica. The album was produced and executive produced by Martin Terefe and features contributions from many of the artists mentioned above. The album also features guest vocals by CeCe Peniston, David Paich, John Robinson, and Eric Marienthal.
Will Ferrell Plays the Drums
Will Ferrell is a well-known actor, but he can’t help but perform his other talents. Recently, Ferrell has appeared on the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon to play the drums. His long musical history includes drumming for ska bands in high school and college. Fallon was impressed by his drumming skills and even asked him to stay longer for an impromptu performance. Fallon introduced Ferrell as his “special guest” which really made the audience excited.

However, many people are unaware that he also has a talent for playing the drums. He was given his first set at age 12 and now says that it is his favorite musical instrument. He proudly displays them in his home and has even drummed with some of his favorite bands, including Pearl Jam and Cypress Hill.
Will Ferrell Plays the Piano
Did you know that Will Ferrell is a classically trained pianist? He only took the stage when he was in grade school and played with the Dallas Symphony when he was in high school. As an 18-year-old, he became the youngest graduate of Berklee College of Music’s jazz program, where he studied under jazz pianist Ellis Marsalis. Ferrell currently plays piano for his rock band Stay Human, which often performs at various benefits and charities.
In a career that has spanned over two decades, Will Ferrell has shown his incredible ability to transform the serious to the silly and one of his most recent projects is an unlikely one. In November 2017, he released an album titled “The Will Ferrell Show” which features him playing the piano.
Will Ferrell Plays the Violin
He has been playing the violin since he was 8 years old when he picked it up to play in his high school orchestra. Ironically, his first solo performance on the violin didn’t happen until much later when he was in college. He describes how the theater professor at USC asked for volunteers to read a speech in front of the class and, “I raised my hand because I wanted to be cool.
While many people know Will Ferrell for his comedic contributions to popular culture, few know about his violin performances. Ferrell performs as a member of the Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra and enjoys playing on some of the most iconic stages in the world, such as Carnegie Hall. In recent years, he has been seen on some of the most prominent concert stages in New York City, London, and Prague.
Ferrell has been influenced by a variety of musicians during his early musical development.
Introducing the Bass
Will Ferrell is well known for his comedic roles in many well-known films such as Elf and Anchorman. He studied acting, but he also has a talent for playing instruments. His most recent project, The House, features him on the drums and there are many videos on YouTube of him “playing” the violin. He also plays the guitar and trumpet. Will Ferrell’s talents go beyond comedy; there is no one else quite like him!
A Few Notes on the Guitar
Will Ferrell’s comedic style is a mix of improv and classic routines, but he has been known to take on a number of roles that don’t include being the comic relief. In fact, Will Ferrell is a talented musician as well as an actor. In recent years, Will has been noted for his work as a pianist. He has also played the guitar and trumpet. In The House, he plays the guitar and drums. In Old School, he plays the guitar, drums, and trumpet. In Stranger Than Fiction, he plays the guitar, drums, and trumpet.
Throughout Will Ferrell’s career, he has played many instruments. The most notable one would be the tambourine, which is seen in his musical band, “The Max Weinberg 7.” He also plays the guitar and drums, but mostly sticks to tambourine.
Other instruments that Ferrell has played throughout the years are the trumpet, keyboard, and accordion. In the 1999 movie, Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy, Ferrell plays a character named Ron Burgundy who is the news anchor for San Diego’s fictitious news station, “Channel 4 News.” He is also a regular on the comedy series, Saturday Night Live.