The season three finale of Lucifer, titled “A Devil of My Word”, aired on May 14, 2018. The episode was written by Ildy Modrovich and directed by Sam Hill. In the episode, Lucifer (Tom Ellis) finally catches up to Pierce (Tom Welling), who has been masquerading as him.
After a fight, Lucifer defeats Pierce and sends him back to Hell. Meanwhile, Chloe (Lauren German) is kidnapped by Amenadiel (Dennis Haysbert), who wants her to come with him to Heaven. However, Chloe chooses to stay on Earth with Lucifer.
Finally, Maze (Lesley-Ann Brandt) decides to leave Los Angeles and go back to Hell. The season three finale of Lucifer was an action-packed and emotional episode that wrapped up the season’s main storylines nicely. Ellis and German gave great performances as always, and the guest appearance by Welling was a nice touch.
Overall, it was a satisfying conclusion to an enjoyable season of television.
The final episode of Lucifer Season 3 gave us a lot to think about. Here are some key points from the episode and what they could mean for Season 4. First, let’s talk about that big reveal at the end of the episode.
It turns out that Amenadiel is actually Lucifer’s father! This changed everything we thought we knew about their relationship. It also explains why Amenadiel has been trying so hard to get Lucifer to go back to Hell – he was just following orders from Dad.
This revelation opens up a whole can of worms and there are sure to be some big surprises in store for us next season. How will Lucifer react when he finds out the truth? And what does this mean for his relationship with God?
We can’t wait to find out! Another major development in the finale was Maze finally admitting her feelings for Chloe. This has been a long time coming and we’re so happy these two finally got together.
They make such a great couple! We’re looking forward to seeing more of them in Season 4. Lastly, we have to talk about that cliffhanger ending. What is going on with Charlotte? Is she really dead?

Who Plays God in Lucifer Season 3 Episode 26?
In the season 3 finale of Lucifer, titled “A Devil of My Word”, Amenadiel (played by D.B. Woodside) finally takes on the role of God. After Lucifer (played by Tom Ellis) is seriously injured in a fight with his twin brother Michael, Amenadiel delivers him to Heaven where he is healed and then returns to Earth to resume his duties as the Lord’s angel.
While it’s not explicitly stated who plays God in this episode, it seems likely that it is indeed D.B. Woodside based on his performance as Amenadiel throughout the series.
In any case, it’s an interesting twist that one of the main characters on the show ends up taking on the role of God for its final episode.
What’s Up With Lucifer Season 3 Episodes 25 And 26?
The season finale of Lucifer Season 3 is finally upon us and fans are wondering what’s in store for the final two episodes. The synopsis for episode 25, titled “A Devil of My Word”, reads: “Lucifer makes a deal with the devil to save Chloe’s life.”
Meanwhile, the synopsis for episode 26, titled “All Hands on Deck”, reads: “As everyone prepares for a showdown, Charlotte reveals her true colors.”
So what can we expect from these two episodes? Well, it sounds like things are going to get pretty intense as Lucifer tries to save Chloe’s life. It also sounds like Charlotte is going to play a big role in the final two episodes, so we’ll have to wait and see how that plays out.
Either way, it sounds like the season finale is going to be a must-watch! So make sure you tune in on Monday, May 28 at 8/7c on FOX.
Who Kidnapped Lucifer And Put Him in the Desert?
In the show Lucifer, the titular character is kidnapped and taken to a desert by a group of angels.
The reason for this is not fully clear, but it seems that they believe that he will be easier to control in this environment. It is also possible that they want to punish him for his rebellious nature.
It is not clear who exactly kidnapped Lucifer, but it was most likely a group of angels. This is evidenced by the fact that they are able to teleport him to the desert and are familiar with his true form.
It is possible that they were sent by God or another higher power, but this has not been confirmed.
Lucifer eventually escapes from his captors and returns to Los Angeles. It is unclear what happened to the angels who kidnapped him, but it is possible that they were punished for their actions.
What was the Point of Lucifer Season 3 Finale?
The point of the Lucifer Season 3 finale was to show that Lucifer is finally ready to be the ruler of Hell. He has realized that he loves Chloe and wants to be with her, but he also knows that he has a responsibility to his kingdom. In the end, Lucifer makes the ultimate sacrifice by giving up his throne in order to be with Chloe.
It is a beautiful and heartbreaking moment, but it is also hopeful because it shows that Lucifer is capable of change.
Lucifer Season 3 Episode 26 Explained in Hindi | Pratiksha Nagar
Lucifer Season 3 Episodes 25 And 26 Explained
Lucifer Season 3 ended with a two-part finale that left viewers with plenty of questions. Here, we break down what happened in the final episodes and what it all means for Season 4.
In the first part of the finale, “A Devil of My Word,” Lucifer makes a deal with Amenadiel to give him back his wings if he can convince Charlotte to accept God’s will.
However, things go awry when Maze reveals that she has been working with Dan to find out who killed Charlotte. In the ensuing scuffle, Amenadiel’s wings are damaged and he is forced to take them back from Lucifer.
Meanwhile, Chloe confronts Pierce about his true identity and he finally confesses that he is Cain, the world’s first murderer.
He then kills himself so that he can’t be used as a vessel for Lucifer. This leaves Chloe devastated and she turns to Lucifer for comfort. The two share a touching moment in which Chloe tells Lucifer that she loves him, but she can’t be with him until he stops running from his past.
Can I Skip Lucifer Season 3 Episode 26
If you’re a fan of the show Lucifer, you may be wondering if you can skip episode 26 of season 3. The answer is yes! You can definitely skip this episode without missing out on any important plot points.
Episode 26 is a filler episode that was added in at the last minute by the network. It’s not essential to the story and can be safely skipped.
Related: Is Amenadiel Based on a Real Angel Or Just Made Up for Lucifer?
Lucifer Season 3 Episode 26 Narrator
In the final episode of Lucifer Season 3, titled “A Devil of My Word”, Chloe (Lauren German) finally learns the truth about Lucifer’s (Tom Ellis) identity as the Devil. While this should be a momentous occasion, it’s actually quite bittersweet, as we know that Lucifer is leaving Los Angeles and Chloe behind at the end of the season.
So while this episode is all about Chloe coming to terms with who Lucifer really is, it’s also a tear-jerker because we know their time together is running out.
Even though we’ve known who Lucifer is since the beginning of the show, it’s still a bit of a shock to see everything from Chloe’s perspective.
She has always seen him as a good person, if a little flawed, but now she knows that he is literally Satan himself. It takes her some time to process this information and decide what she wants to do with it.
She ultimately decides that she doesn’t care who he really is – she loves him for who he is on the inside. This episode also features some great scenes between Amenadiel (DB Woodside) and his mother Charlotte (Tricia Helfer).
Lucifer Season 3 Episode 27 Explained
The season finale of Lucifer left fans with a lot of questions. Here are some answers to what happened in the final episode. Spoilers ahead!
In the season finale, “A Devil of My Word,” Lucifer tries to stop Cain from killing more people. He eventually succeeds, but not before Cain mortally wounds Chloe. As Chloe lies dying in Lucifer’s arms, she sees his devil face and remembers that he is Satan.
Lucifer then makes a deal with God to go back to Hell if He will save Chloe’s life. God agrees and brings her back to life. However, when Lucifer returns to Hell, he finds that it has been taken over by his mother, Charlotte.
Charlotte reveals that she has been working with Cain all along and that the two of them have plans for Lucifer. She also tells him that God is not real and that He never cared about him or anyone else. This causes Lucifer to lose his faith and turn into his devil form permanently.
Meanwhile, Amenadiel confronts Charlotte and tells her that he knows she is behind everything that has happened. She then stabs him with a knife and leaves him for dead.
Lucifer Season 4 Episode 1 Explained
Ryan Murphy’s show Lucifer premiered its long-awaited fourth season on Netflix this week, and fans were not disappointed. The first episode of the new season was packed with action, mystery, and of course, a whole lot of explanation. Here’s everything you need to know about what happened in the premiere:
The episode begins with Lucifer (Tom Ellis) waking up in his penthouse suite at the Lux Hotel after a night of drinking. He is disoriented and doesn’t remember what happened the previous evening.
Suddenly, his phone starts ringing and he sees that it is an emergency call from Detective Chloe Decker (Lauren German).
He rushes to meet her at the scene of a crime, where she fills him in on what has happened. A woman named Amy Gray was murdered last night, and Chloe believes that Lucifer may have been the one who killed her.
She takes him back to the station for questioning, but he still can’t remember anything about what happened.
However, when they run his fingerprints through the system, they come up with a match for another murder victim – someone who was killed in exactly the same way as Amy Gray.
The finale of Lucifer Season 3 left a lot of unanswered questions, but luckily, the showrunners have released a detailed explanation of what happened.
In the episode, Lucifer is finally able to defeat his father and return to Heaven, but not before saying goodbye to Chloe. While it was a sad moment for fans, the producers explained that it was necessary for Lucifer to go back to Heaven in order to prevent another apocalypse.
They also teased that there may be hope for a reunion between Chloe and Lucifer in the future.