Benjamin Fulford is a former journalist and author who in 2006 was appointed as the Asian Bureau Chief of Forbes magazine. In 2004, he became an economic advisor to the Japanese prime minister.
Then in August 2006, he stepped down from his position at Forbes without any explanation. After stepping down, he began publishing his own newsletter that claims to provide insider information on world events.
About Benjamin Fulford
Benjamin Fulford is a Canadian-born writer, journalist, and entrepreneur who runs the site He reports in his blog that he is in contact with numerous international figures in politics, finance, military, religion, and entertainment. His website has gained popularity for its predictions of financial crises around the world since 2008.

Benjamin Fulford is a Canadian journalist, who currently reports on world events in the weekly publication, the ‘Nexus Media’. Previous to his reporting, he was once an English teacher in Japan.
Fulford has published his thoughts and opinions on the global economy, Eastern politics, and other topics in various international media, including Agence France-Presse, BBC News Online.
Since 2015, Benjamin Fulford has been an investigative journalist and writer for the Canadian-Japanese Weekly World News. His articles cover a variety of topics, such as current affairs and break-ins into the Japanese government and military facilities by foreign powers. He graduated from Carleton University with a BA in Japanese and English Literature.
Since his journalism career began in January 2015, Benjamin Fulford has continued to inject his own style of investigative journalism into the world of international news reporting.

Born in 1961, Benjamin Fulford is a man of many talents. With a degree in history from the University of Victoria, Fulford has gone on to work for Reuters news service as their Canadian correspondent, authored four books on Japanese society and politics, and founded the Benign Japan website.
Fulford also served as the Deputy Chairman of the British Columbia Environmental Network before retiring from that position in 2006.
Benjamin Fulford is a Canadian writer and political activist. Fulford has been reporting what he calls “White Dragon Society” news since 1997. The White Dragon Society is a group of international financial oligarchs who work to keep humanity from destroying itself.
On a recent episode of the popular, public radio show “This American Life”, host Ira Glass said that “Benjamin Fulford is a writer who lives in Japan.”
He went on to say that this man is originally from Canada and “has been writing one long sentence every week for five years.” In his weekly article, Benjamin often shares information about his thoughts and insights on world events.
Throughout his childhood, Benjamin Fulford was dealt with bullying. As a result, he had trouble making friends and often felt alone. He tried to escape the bullying by immersing himself in video games – at one point playing so much that it caused him to have scoliosis. At age 12, he found comfort in his faith and began to attend church more regularly. After graduating high school, Benjamin attended college for business.
In this article, you will read about the experience of Benjamin Fulford, a translator, and journalist who has been writing on world events for decades. He has been living in Japan since 1995 and is fluent in Japanese.
In the year 2000, he became the Asia correspondent for Forbes magazine. In recent years, he has been publishing his regular world events reports on various websites.

Fulford’s interesting Conspiracy Theories
Benjamin Fulford is a self-proclaimed “unofficial spokesperson” for the Eastern Alliance which consists of senior members in the U.S, military, and intelligence agencies who are concerned over the increasingly illegal activities carried out by the Bush administration in league with right-wing factions in Japan and elsewhere in Asia.
The Eastern Alliance has stated that they will take steps to ensure that the international laws governing countries are not violated.
Some of the more interesting conspiracy theories that have been circulating in the wake of Donald Trump’s victory include a possible “false flag” operation, where one or more actors use an attack to engineer a desired outcome.
In this case, it could be the Illuminati trying to get away from public scrutiny, after many people who have been investigating their dealings have been mysteriously killed.
Benjamin Fulford is a well-known author and organizer of conspiracy theories. He has been writing for the world since the 1990s and his articles have been published in many important publications. His lifelong passion for conspiracies and mysteries has come to fruition through his writings, he considers himself to be a “speculative historian”.
Net Worth
In recent years, the world has been experiencing a tumultuous time. In various parts of the world, protests have been taking place and people are demanding change. These events have taken a toll on the global economy. One entrepreneur who is benefiting from all this chaos is Ben Fulford. Ben Fulford’s net worth in January 2022 is estimated to be around 1 million dollars.